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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back to Blogging

Much of what you read about various technologies, tout the amazing results that an educator will receive by using it. The readings that we have been exposed to since Jan. have discussed how using this software or this computer or this interface will make students read more, read better, and generally be better students. While most of this I don't believe, I do believe that there is room for many of the new technologies we have learned about within the educational setting. I stated earlier that I was not initially impressed with blogging, but I can now see how valuable a tool it could be if its use is well planned. Second graders enjoy using the computer in school. Educators can take advantage of that by creating projects that would require their students to blog about their experiences. The piloted social studies curriculum that our school worked with this past year focused on the community. Many aspects of communities were explored, including what different places are in the community as well as what jobs are there in the community. Students could hook up with other schools and blog about their community. Urban vs suburban vs rural. What are the differences and similarities? Obviously this would have to be more structured than what I mentioned here, but the possibilities are evident. This activity could be used as an extension throughout the lessons in order to give each student a chance to blog. Language arts could also be incorporated into these lessons by showing students how to write a blog, including correct grammer and spelling. Just a thought.

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